The mob, the
factions and Bush’s money: round table held in the studios of Cuban television
on May 30, 2002, Year of the Heroes imprisoned by the Empire.
(Transcript of
the Council of State)
Randy Alonso. - Good evening, dear
viewers and listeners.
In his
speech on May 20 President Bush announced more funds for the subversive
activities of the Miami anti-Cuban terrorist mob and the counterrevolutionary
factions in our country which already receive millions of dollars from the U.S.
The subject of our Round
Table this evening is the mob, the factions and Bush’s money; on tonight’s
panel we have Reinaldo Taladrid, a journalist with the Cuban Television’s News
Department, Manuel Hevia director of the State Security’s Center for Historical
Research, Lázaro Barredo a journalist with Trabajadores
and Rogelio Polanco, editor of the Juventud
Rebelde newspaper.
Our studio guests this
evening are comrades from the Metallurgical Industry and from the Ministry of
Auditing and Management.
In his May 20 speech, U.S.
president George Bush said that “my administration will relax restrictions on
humanitarian aid to non-governmental organizations which attend directly to the
needs of the Cuban people and which help to build Cuban civil society.”
Which civil society is Mr.
Bush talking about? Who will get the money that the Bush administration has
decided to increase in its already chock-full budget for subversive activities
against Cuba? What are Bush’s plans and what is the background to this policy?
That is what we shall be talking about in today’s Round Table.
There is a long history to
all this and I suggest Lázaro Barredo
give us a
Barredo. – It has been more than proven that the fabrication or the creation or
the encouragement of the so-called dissident groups in Cuba has been the
nucleus of the U.S. governments’ plans for aggression over these 43 years.
U.S. administrations have
had no alternative but to fabricate opposition to the Revolution and I say that
they have had no alternative because, in fact no patriotic force would ever
ally itself with the United States. No patriotic force,
¾ this has been shown all
through history of the Cuban Revolution since 1868
¾ would ally itself against
the program of the Revolution: national independence; social justice; the right
to develop, to national unity, which has been the most important element in
efforts to resist the blows from the United States, the natural enemy of the
existence of a Cuban nation for these 200 years.
I think that this is proved by
history and in the case of the fabrication of an opposition is proved by the
data which have been analyzed. Furthermore, each time that the United States
declassifies documents, new things come to light, as happened in 1998 when the
report of the CIA inspector general was declassified and details were revealed
about the program of action against Cuba approved by President Eisenhower on
March 17, 1960. In one of its key sections giving directives to government
agencies the program proposed the establishment of dissident groups inside
Cuba. In 1960, the U.S. government first allocated
$4 million to do this; by the following year, 1961, that was immediately
increased to $40 million ¾ from $4 million
to $40 million ¾ an indication of
their intent to subvert internal order in Cuba by creating an opposition
mechanism, fabricating it to some extent.
In the Santa Fe Program One
of 1979, one of the recommendations in the program of Ronald Reagan’s
government was to abet dissent through putative human rights groups.
That idea begins to take
shape in this 1979 document, the Santa Fe program which was the Reagan
administration’s’ ideological platform, it takes concrete shape in the program
on Cuba.
Reagan used A Mandate for Leadership, a book that
had been put together by the Heritage Foundation as bedtime reading for his
government¾ he said so
himself. In this book, the strategy most clearly traced out is the one they
call ”Project Democracy” which outlines the strategic directions to be taken by
the U.S.’s world-wide offensive against socialism and other progressive forces.
This was revealed by president Reagan himself in a speech to the British
Parliament on June 9, 1982.
Reagan urged his allies to
take “actions to develop a campaign for democracy, for nourishing democracy’s
structures, the free press system, unions, political parties all of which allow
nations”, ¾ according to
what he said¾ “to choose their
own way.”
That is where the idea for
National Security Directive number 77 came from. It was issued at the beginning
of the 80s by president Reagan and it orchestrated “Project Democracy” and
defined [its objectives] concerning our country ¾ and I want to dwell on this idea because it is crucial, we are talking
about the years from 1981 to 1983 when Reagan is focusing the thrust of
“Project Democracy” on Cuba. The aim is to create political pressure on Cuba.
To do that, it outlined the strategy of using the many-pronged objective of
wearing down the Revolution with internal dissent programs to foster the image
that the situation facing Cuba did not arise because of its long standing
confrontation with the United States ¾ I stress this
fact because it is important ¾ but because of
the inability of the Cuban government to and its prejudice against the idea of
finding a “solution between Cubans” when it refused the so-called dialogue as a
solution to orchestrate a so-called political opening.
One of the central tactics
of this “Project Democracy” was to encourage some factions or individuals in
Cuban society; people who, for a variety of motives, but all inspired to a
large extent by opportunism and resentment, had decided to distance themselves
from the Revolution’s aims in the midst of the confusion caused by Soviet
perestroika. When the Russian debacle occurred these people were allying with
the secular enemies of the Cuban nation. These individuals whose positions
towards the Cuban Revolution’s aims were critical, had been operating over
these years in the ambit of an international campaign against Cuba led by the
most conservative sectors of the right. They are visited by any foreigner who
wants to make him or herself look impartial about the Cuban case. They have become a permanent source of
information for some of the foreign press, particularly U.S. papers and, most
particularly, the Miami papers with which they have pretty open channels of
A new strategy was launched
on August 14, 1990 with the so-called “pacifist’ actions of that opposition.
The operation was conceived of during George Bush senior’s term of office and
it unveiled the creation of what was called the Cuban Democratic platform. This
was a coalition of three organizations and other well known names from the
so-called Cuban exile community who had decided to join forces in order to make
a contribution towards a “ peaceful transition to democracy” in Cuba.
Essentially, what they were proposing were negotiations between the Cuban
government and the internal opposition that would lead to elections; these
would have to observe all the rules of bourgeois democracy, be held under
international supervision and would lead to a multiparty, market economy
There’s a famous letter that
was published in the newspaper Granma
in 1991 because this covert operation filled Bush senior with happiness so,
Randy, on May 20, 1991, ¾ it seems that
May 20ths and the Bushes are closely connected¾ after this project was announced, Bush senior said in Miami that he
would be the first president to walk on free Cuban soil. He said that on May
20, 1991; he was, of course, courting Cuban-Americans on the eve of an
electoral year. This operation gave birth to the letter published, by Granma, a letter which a CIA agent, Mr.
Carlos Alberto Montaner ¾a young terrorist
arrested in 1960 with plastic explosives to be used in shopping centers, I
talked about this at one of the earlier round tables¾ sent to the domestic counterrevolutionary factions in Cuba giving them
orders to affiliate themselves with international counterrevolutionary groups.
And you, what’s-your-name, are a liberal; and you, so-and-so, are a social
democrat; and you, thingamajig, are a Christian democrat.”
There are interesting things
in that letter. “If a military revolt occurs,
¾ which is what they were
thinking ¾ we must demand
from the victor exactly the same as we demand from Castro today; that he gives
the people back their liberties and calls open, supervised, multiparty
elections and, possibly preceded by a plebiscite, i.e. a referendum. He
remarks, “Obviously the stronger the opposition is, the more will it make its
weight felt.
And adds, “this document can
be taken out of the country by an international delegation consisting of a
liberal, a social democrat and a Christian democrat sent to Cuba to get the
document. As soon as they get overseas, they would give a press conference and
would announce the formal establishment of the platform inside Cuba.”
He ends the letter by
saying: “ We will at the same time have drums and whistles standing by to
announce the consolidation in Cuba of a moderate respectable opposition, with
wide international acceptance…” “that would be the opposition, the big,
internationally accepted opposition.”
Of course, Carlos Alberto
Montaner did not fail to see the big problem; he himself admits it in his
letter which was published in Granma.
He says, “I am not unaware that in this demand there is a logistical aspect a
little difficult to swallow, how and why should we suddenly transform ourselves
into liberals, social democrats or Christian democrats.”
In other words, that big
operation, which was later stepped up with the Torricelli Act and something
known as Track II was already underway in the early 90s. It was stepped up even
more on October 6, 1995 when Clinton goes to Freedom House and publicly gives
half a million dollars to that organization for financing the domestic factions
in our country. It was stepped up again on January 28, 1997 when president
Clinton himself revealed his famous Program for a political transition in Cuba
which has more of the same: multiparty system, market economy, free elections
etcetera, etetera. It is the same worn out concept that will be seen again
later on in the Helms-Burton Act; the essence of Title II is the same; hand
back property, set up a “democratic government”, destroy revolutionary
institutions and set up a democratic government with Cuban-Americans and, of
course, their fabricated opposition.
In a recent interview Otto Reich
said to a journalist, “What president Bush wants is a peaceful, but swift,
transition to democracy in Cuba” ¾ he said this at
the end of April ¾ “so that we
don’t have to talk about embargoes”.
The journalist asked him. “But 40
years later this transition has not taken place and neither is there really any
way of foreseeing that it will occur, not as a result of the embargo anyway, so
why not remove it?”
Otto Reich replies, “ What
has to change is the government of Cuba”
I think, Randy, that this is
the mission given to this “opposition”, and it is what we have been looking at
here, how USAID (United States Agency for International Development) gave money
to it, as did a U.S. Congress agreement
to allocate not less that $2 million to that “opposition”, made after the
Helms-Burton Act was passed. When you say “not less than $2 million”.
In all Parliaments, as we
have explained, you set a limit, you say, you can spend up to so much. When you
say “Not less than $2 million it means you can give 50, 100, 200, a billion,
whatever is necessary to achieve your goal and I have absolutely no doubt about
what they will do if “we lose our minds” and give these factions a hard time.
In U.S. Congress records ¾ this is not secret ¾ you can find
evidence about the logistic support and the political cover given by the U.S.
government to the counterrevolutionary factions operating in our country. Mr.
Michael Ranneberger, then head of the State Department’s Cuban Affairs Office
told this in 1999 to the House of Representative’s Western Hemisphere
Subcommittee. He didn’t blush to admit that “active participation by the United
States in the financing and abetting of the alleged Cuban opposition” was part
of the pressure mechanism to undermine constitutional order in our country.
This is the money given by the
National Endowment for Democracy, which gives money to several institutions,
this is what we have here, and not only to Cuba, to third countries as well. We
have looked at that here; when they want to give a prize, when they want to
award a diploma they invite the gentlemen from these factions or they send
envoys, as we have seen with the Czechs, the Poles, etcetera, etcetera.
Alonso. - Or they supply funding to various foundations and institutions in other
countries so that they, too, can be used as a way of channeling this funding.
Barredo. – Let me tell you, I mention Carlos Alberto Montaner because he is the
most active CIA agent in this “Project Democracy”, actually. He has recently
given a statement saying that this whole scheme of asking for a referendum, for
free elections, everything that President Bush asked for on May 20, the whole
intent and purpose of that is to undermine Cuba’s constitutional order.
I have an article written by
Carlos Montaner where he says,
“This is the peaceful way to
take apart the Cuban totalitarian dictatorship, to bury Castroism, spadeful by
spadeful without violence without repression, using certain chinks in the
legislation in force in the island.” This is the aim of those factions. If any
doubt remained, there is the bill they presented last year with the backing of
some ultra-right members of Congress, such as Senator Jesse Helms and
Congressperson Lincoln Díaz-Balart, to give 100 million in aid to the putative
internal Cuban opposition. The factions here immediately came out in support of
it. For example, I have here statements by Radio Martí.
One of the leaders of those
factions, a woman, said, “For each one of the dissidents it is very important
to know that such busy people, people with so much responsibility, remember
Another went even further.
“We are completely behind the position of those Congresspeople towards the
embargo. As for this law in support of dissent, I think that it is a historic
landmark, it is the first law in the 21st century which gives total
support to dissent.” In other words, these people feel more important because
of these congresspeople’s gesture. They have a lot of nerve, actually, seeing
that in the United States there are Treasury Department control regulations
which say that no U.S. citizen can receive even a cent, a ball point pen from a
Cuban citizen, let alone from a Cuban government employee.
The punishment for violating
these regulations is a jail sentence of up to
10 years and a fine of up to $250, 000. That is the penalty for anyone
receiving money from a Cuban.
Alonso. – The irony in all this, Lázaro, is that there is one of these
Congresspeople who has been an active publicist for these ideas about funding
the Cuban counterrevolution and who is, in fact, in some trouble for accepting
money from a foreigner: Torricelli.
Barredo. - Torricelli and a whole heap of irregularities.
Well, that is in U.S.
regulations. I send a ball point pen to a U.S. citizen and you can be sure that
if the Treasury Department wants to harass him or her, they can lay charges
against him or her, because there are several laws for that.
Alarcón once explained that
here and spoke about it in the National Assembly too. There are several legal
provisions the United States which forbid you from doing with a U.S. citizen
what the United States wants to do with the counterrevolutionary factions in
our country.
Which is why they have the
need, I repeat, to fabricate this opposition because they have really no base
inside Cuba which supports them in their aim to destroy the country, even
though they have been working on this for ten years. If you analyze the
projects which the counterrevolution has invented in the 90s, all the projects
they have used as propaganda to harm the image of the Revolution, you will see
they all rest on this agreement.
Alonso. - Thank you very much Lázaro, for
your comments.
(Relevant images are shown)
Alonso. – Last May 23, three days after President Bush’s speech, the newspaper News Day published an article entitled
“We are being covered in shame because of our policy towards Cuba” which
includes these words:
“Our policy towards Cuba is
a reflection in a fun-house mirror. The embargo on trade and U.S. tourism
against Fidel Castro, which is a cold war anachronism, is still in place while
the rest of the world goes in search of sun and investment opportunities.
“The Bush administration has
filled its foreign policy apparatus with Cuban exiles and their sympathizers.
The President promises to not give up until Castro falls and repents. Fat
“The agriculture lobby and
its bipartisan followers in the Capitol are trying to get rid of trade
restrictions or at least to soften existing restrictions on the limited
agricultural exports.
“ To date, Miami is winning
in the geopolitical battle between the agricultural states and the south of
Florida. After all, it holds the keys to the White House and the Governor of
Florida’s mansion. This is a terrible shame but not as great as the United
States decision to fund the political resistance to Fidel Castro.
President Bush formally promised
that he would give even more aid to U.S. groups who say they are helping
“Bush wants to give $6
million in aid in the 2003 fiscal year to groups who support political
liberties in Cuba. That is a lot more than the $3.5 million which he gave in
“ According to our
International Development Agency, he will probably get bipartisan support.
“Senator Joseph Lieberman,
who was included in the Democrats’ 2000 campaign partly to win over Florida, is
one of those speaking in favor of increased aid. The money will not go directly
to Cuba; it will go to New York and Washington and, most generously, to Miami.
“Prominent among the groups
to receive aid are the Center for a Free Cuba, a group of conservative exiles
based in Florida and led by Frank Calzón, he was ¾ as you will remember¾ one of the
belligerent voices demanding that Elián be permanently separated from his
father and the International Republican Institute, a Washington-based
organization with close ties to the Bush administration.
“The Institute supported
opposition groups which staged a failed coup attempt against the democratically
elected president of Venezuela, a coup that the White House seems to have
“Functionaries of the
Institute also acted as behind the scenes contact people between the Venezuelan
plotters and the Bush administration. Now they are all for forging ties of
solidarity with human rights activists in Cuba.
“The list could go on and on
but in this fun house the image is clear enough. When it comes to Cuba we don’t
go for victory, only for winning political races nationally and winning shame
internationally.” That is what this article in the May 23rd issue of
News Day says.
As this article makes clear
the U.S. government, as it has been doing all these years, has been allocating
money to its institutional organizations to finance subversive activities
against our country.
The main conduit for this
funding to the anti-Cuban mob and to the counterrevolutionary factions has been
USAID, a U.S. governmental agency.
On the role of this agency
and these agencies report officially ¾ what they say
behind the scenes is an unknown¾ well, what is
going on with funding for subversive activity against Cuba? Rogelio Polanco
Polanco. – Yes, I think that we have touched on this subject on other occasions
but it won’t come amiss to repeat some of the details about this so-called Aid
for International Development which U.S. institutions officially provide to
other countries, and which turns out to be nothing other than an act of
subversion against legitimately constituted governments. And as you have just
reminded us with that article, one of those who receives this money is that
Republican Institute whose role in the coup d’état in Venezuela has been
exposed in several newspapers.
USAID is the U.S. Agency for
International Development ¾ USAID is the
acronym. It was created by President John F. Kennedy under the provisions of a
foreign aid act. It was his executive decision and the intention was for the
U.S. government to provide money to other countries.
It came into being at a time
when the Alliance for Progress was also being founded for Latin America the
only purpose of which was to counteract the example of the Cuban Revolution in
Latin America.
It is a public agency, and
receives money from official U.S. institutions. It is estimated that there are
some 3,000 companies and more than 300 private organizations which have some
degree of involvement with this agency.
In our country’s case, the
Cuba Program came into being in 1995. President Clinton announced a financial
allocation by USAID for Cuba for what at that time was referred to as
encouraging a transition to democracy in Cuba, as they euphemistically call
overthrowing the Cuban Revolutionary government.
They used as an excuse what
they understood by provisions in the Torricelli Act, that is, some articles in
the Torricelli Act, which “allow” the U.S. government to provide aid through
non-governmental organizations for “a non-violent democratic change in Cuba”.
The Helms Burton Act later talks about the same thing.
One must be aware that in
this case, there is a unique aspect to the Cuba Program. It is the only of
USAID’s programs where the decisions about giving money to organizations must
meet the approval of a so-called Interagency Working Group. In other words,
that there are several institutions, several public agencies of the U.S.
government which directly administer and manage the Cuba Program which of
course shows that there is direct interference by the U.S. government in the
financial allocations to Cuba.
This Interagency Working
Group is made up of a chief advisor and coordinator for Cuba from USAID and by
another coordinator, who is none other than the head of the State Department’s
Cuba Affairs Office. Other members are representatives from the National
Security Council, the Trade Department, the Treasury Department and other State
Department representatives and, of course, from the United States Interests
Section in Cuba. The latter is, they say, the agency which provides information
on the situation in Cuba, reviews the proposals and programs and evaluates
their effectiveness.
As for the most recent
program, I mean the Program Cuba proposal; I have here the proposals that were
just released in May 2002. (He holds up a document) It is a program which began
in1997 and which is supposedly meant to end in 2005. To date more than $15
million has been given to some 27 organizations
¾ that’s what they call them.
These are institutions based in the U.S. ¾ mostly in Miami and New York and, naturally, the counterrevolutionary
factions in Cuba.
There is a difference
between the 2002 budget, already made public, and that of the previous year.
There are five more organizations included in the provisions of this budget.
There are $2.2 allocated to these new organizations and a $2.9 million increase
in the amount going to organizations already covered by the previous budget.
You mentioned some of them,
Randy, so I will only give them a fleeting mention: Freedom House ¾ we know it well ¾ Center for a
Free Cuba, the Institute for Democracy in Cuba, the Working Group for Dissent
in Cuba, CUBANET, Cuba Free Press. There are many organizations, some of them
ghost organizations set up solely and exclusively to get this money from U.S.
public funds and with the sole aim, as is shown in the name Cuba Program, of
“encouraging a rapid and peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba and to help
civil society to develop”.
Here’s something
interesting: in the title, in this year’s mission statement they include the
word, “rapid”. I think that this is something that demonstrates a certain level
of desperation, because previously they said “a peaceful transition to
democracy in Cuba”, they have added the word “rapid” because they are
desperate, because the goal isn’t come any closer, nor will it ever. And so
they propose increasing the flow of information about democracy, human rights
and free enterprise to Cuba, from Cuba, inside Cuba.
I have here some of the
areas that have been prioritized. OK, they talk of helping what they call
non-governmental organizations in Cuba, workers’ rights in Cuba ¾we already know that these are the so-called “free” unions which now
have Bush as an advocate, something pretty much unheard of. Then there are the
human rights activists in Cuba ¾ these are simply
the counterrevolutionary factions and the so-called independent journalists,
another disguise worn by these U.S. government hired hands in Cuba¾ and of course they also suggest planning for the “transition” in Cuba.
One of the institutions
which received $1 million recently was the University of Miami, no less than
$1,045,00 to plan for the transition in Cuba. Another organization which just
received a large sum of money, $225,000, is an institution whose job is to review
the results of the project, PriceWaterhouseCoopers. This is an organization
they had to hire one way or another because they have no real idea of the
effectiveness of this program; they want to know exactly what is going on.
I have a report issued by this
institution; it covered the period February to May of the year 2000. It draws
some very interesting conclusions, Randy. PriceWaterhouseCooper’s first
observation ¾ USAID hired them
to say if the program for Cuba was working or not ¾ is that in Congress there are opposing points of view on Cuba policy
and on the program itself. This complicates the process of discussing the
projects, delays their approval and, in some cases, slows down the
implementation of the program’s activities. In other words, this is an
acknowledgement that an important sector in Congress thinks that this policy
has failed and doesn’t, of course, agree with it.
Another of the review’s
conclusion is that the program’s effect will be seen in the long term, and that
its real impact cannot be measured in this implementation phase. I think that
this is way of admitting that they haven’t achieved anything, that they have
failed completely with all this funding for internal subversion in Cuba and the
only consolation they have is that they will be successful in the future.
Another conclusion is the
lack of cooperation from the Cuban government. They say that the repressive
climate created by the Cuban government means that super-discreet operational
methods have to be used and this also makes it harder to evaluate the program’s
Well, of course the Cuban
government is always going to oppose subversion and oppose anything that
facilitates the overthrow of our Revolution by the United States. Now they are
calling for covert methods which are simply the methods always used by
intelligence agencies. They are saying that openly, in this review of the
results and the ineffectiveness of that program.
The evaluation recommends
sending a functionary to the Interest Section in Cuba to work full time on
USAID’s Cuba Program. This is an acknowledgment that the Interests Section in
Cuba would be responsible for, and actually is responsible for ¾ as we have seen on many occasions at our Round Tables ¾ distributing these resources directly to its hired hands in Cuba.
It also recommends:
assigning an additional fulltime functionary for the program to the main USAID
office ¾ in other words have one
person in the main office working on this program only.
Testing all informational
products before distributing them to the Cuban public because they are not sure
of the effectiveness of what they are doing so they want to test them on groups
of people who have recently arrived from Cuba. Get that!
Finding novel ways of
disseminating information in Cuba, They mean third country mercenaries who, as
you know, were the latest method they tried to use to bring money to the
counterrevolutionary factions.
Adapting the amount of
publicity given to funding according to the potential risks to the
beneficiaries and their clients in Cuba. They say some activities could be
endangered if exposed to inappropriate publicity. In other words, they are
calling for their activities to become more and more covert. They want to
continue doing and undoing, trying to overthrow the Cuban revolutionary
government in silence. Which is why it will always be our job to denounce them
more and more publicly and to speak out more and more loudly about what they
are doing via their hired hands in Cuba.
Alonso. – I too, as you said, have that May 2002 report and they are some very
interesting things we could mentioned confirming what you said. This program
proposes seven specific programs for Cuba and the sums of money involved are
You were saying that more
than $15 million has already been handed over. That is a multi-million dollar
budget for subversion in Cuba.
For example: they propose
solidarity with human right activists in Cuba, in other words with the
factions. Translated into English: financing counterrevolutionary factions in
Cuba. What does it say? That USAID will fund eight institutions to do that;
these institutions will also be responsible for distributing the funding. For
example, one of them, the Institute for Democracy in Cuba will receive $1
million; it already has the money, according to this report. The Working Group
for Dissent in Cuba will receive $250,000 which has already been handed over.
The International Republican Institute will receive $1,674,462 which is still
being handed over. The Dissent Support Group will get $1,200,000 and Cuban
Democratic Action will receive $400,000. This is one of the specific programs
within the program.
Polanco. - True, Randy and it triples the amount given to the Dissent Support
Group compared to the amount allotted the previous year; that is direct funding
for the counterrevolution, to the factions here. The previous year, 2001, they
only got $400,000 and now they get $1,200,000; in other words, the amount
tripled from one year to the next. This is the funding they say they don’t
Well, there it is publicly
revealed that they are receiving $1,200, 000 directly for that, from this
project alone.
Alonso. – From USAID alone, adding up the amounts mentioned here, there is more
than $3 million allocated directly to the counterrevolutionary factions under
this program.
There is another interesting
grant, the funding for the so-called independent journalists. Well, how
independent are they? Let’s see what the U.S. government says. That they will
grant $280,000 to an organization like Cuba Free Press, which has already been
delivered; $622,000 to the International University of Florida, supposedly to
train independent journalists; $833,00 to create a Web site for independent
journalist called Cubanet.
Polanco. - This is the use of the virtual media, the Internet, where they can post
all those lies about Cuba produced by those counterrevolutionary factions; in
this case the funding increases 2.4 times because they are suggesting a grant
of $833, 00 to get this “news” out on the Internet. That is direct payment to
certain journalists, who are anything but independent; last year it was only
$343, 000. Just look at the amounts we are talking about.
Alonso. – Here we are talking about approximately $2 million for the
“independent” journalists.
There is another one; Aid to
Develop Independent Non-governmental Organizations: that is to say, it is
another way of covering the so-called factions. Here they give funding to five
different organizations so that they can distribute the money to the so-called
non-governmental organizations. I am only going to talk about two grants;
they’re giving $523,000 to the Foundation for Pan-American Development and
$320,000 to the University of Miami to help to develop “civil society” in Cuba;
this is part of the million odd they give in funding to this university.
They are going to fund two
organizations through a USAID program called Defending the Rights of Cuban
Workers whose purpose is to create the so-called “independent unions” that Mr.
Bush wants. There is a grant of about $168,575 for the American Center for
Solidarity with Workers, already delivered, and $424,000 to the National Policy
Association, to create allegedly independent unions in our country.
Another of the seven
programs is the so-called “Getting Ready for Transition”; they have already
used it to give money to four organizations including The Council for Cuba-U.S.
Business, which we know all about because Otto Reich used to be on its board.
This Center has been given $852,000 for the so-called transition in Cuba, and
the University of Miami has received $1,045,000 for its transition plan, as
Polanco mentioned. Now, we have read out the names of only some of these
organizations because it is a fairly extensive list. However, what we have talked about adds up to quite a few
million dollars. USAID openly says it is giving this money to these
organizations, to abet the Miami mobs’ subversive activities against Cuba and
those carried out by organizations based in New York and Washington. They have
also openly talked about the funding that counterrevolutionary factions in our
country are going to receive.
I think this is the best and
clearest proof of what the money Mr. Bush has allocated is for; of who receives
this money and of how independent these factions are, the so-called journalists
and organizations which are preparing subversively to overthrow the Cuban
Thank you for your comments,
And this is not the only
organization that is devoted to sending money to the anti-Cuban mob and to the
counterrevolutionary factions. We have already spoken of several of them. USAID
is perhaps the most representative but another organization playing an
important role in this anti-Cuban business is a private organization, that is
far from private, the National Endowment for Democracy, the famous NED. It,
too, has played an important role in funding these factions and that
counterrevolutionary mob. I ask Reinaldo Taladrid for his comments on this
Taladrid. – With great pleasure, Randy Let’s go to the NED’s Web page to see what
they themselves say they are.
The National Endowment for
Democracy is a bipartisan private non-profit, donation raising organization,
founded in 1983. Thus far that’s what NED’s web page says.
It says it “receives
financial contributions from the U.S. Congress” ¾that means it is paid by the U.S. government¾ and also “other donations from the private sector”.
“It has a board of directors
made up of well-known people from various sectors in the U.S.”.
NED’s work, as their own web
page explains, is based on three basic programs: the first is called the
Funding program. In other words they themselves say that anyone who support
“free trade” and “private enterprise” and has ties to the National Republic
Institute or its democratic counterpart ¾both parties have a similar organization¾ can receive these donations. That means the first program exists to
give money to anyone who defends capitalism.
Number two: International
Cooperation for Democracy Program. This means cooperating ¾or so they say¾ with other
foundations around the world which have similar ideas that agree with what they
want, monitoring elections etc. This election monitoring they do has nothing to
do with being concerned if half of the people who have a right to vote do vote
or not. It is concerned with whether the candidate who wins or those in the
race guarantee the status quo that they want for that country; they couldn’t
care less about that other stuff.
Number three is called
International Research Forum on Democracy this is a whole series of events,
universities, publications etc. that get money from them because they say what
they want to hear.
Some analysts have said, and
I agree with them, that NED was created in the Reagan administration to do
things differently. How? Well, the CIA used to do all these things up until
that point in the 80s, and quite simply, they decided to do them openly with
government’s money; the very same things the CIA did but, quite simply, to rid
them of that image they had ¾or to try to rid
them of that image¾ of being covert,
of being special services. All of the things we have described here, were, up
to the beginning of the 80s, carried out directly by the CIA, that is the
special services, on the orders of the U.S. government.
The National Endowment for
Democracy’s projects ¾ as we already
know, gets money from the U.S. government plus the odd private donation, but
most of the money comes from the U.S. government¾ had two important stages concerning Cuba. A first stage lasting from
NED’s foundation in 1983 until the fall of the Soviet Union in September 1991.
Until that date, almost all of NED’s money went to the Cuban-American National
Foundation, the CANF. For example, between 1986 and 1987 they gave the
Foundation $110, 000.
There is something odd that
I want to draw your attention to here. There is a study by Professor John
Spencer Nichols, of the University of Pennsylvania, which made some
calculations. Look at this scam. How much money did the Cuban-American National
Foundation receive from NED? This money goes from the U.S. government to NED
and from NED to the Cuban-American National Foundation. Between 1983 and 1988
the Foundation received $380,000 from NED, that is, from the government. And in
that same time period the Cuban-American National Foundation contributed
exactly $380,000 to the campaigns of politicians to whom they wanted to give
money, those who later backed their projects. It is very curious that the same
amount of money that came from the government to the Foundation went into the
campaigns of politicians sympathetic to the Foundation’s interests, or
vice-versa. That is a study published by John Spencer Nichols, a professor at
the University of Pennsylvania.
Now, in 1990, the Soviet
Union falls and a second stage begins. When I say a second stage begins, I mean
that what they had been doing is stepped up, both the money and the activities.
For example, between 1991 and 1992 alone, the $110,000 that, as you remember, they
gave to the Foundation between 1983 and 1987 increased to $240, 750. The money
began to double almost immediately.
Next I am going to tell you
about some individual years to illustrate what this foundation, NED, began to
do vis à vis Cuba.
Between 1990 and 1998 it
supported 80 different projects, projects as different as funding publications.
For example, Encounter with Cuban Culture is a
magazine paid for with NED’s money and naturally, with money that comes from
the U.S. government according to the data and statistics I have here. I’ll tell
you later how much money they gave them.
They also organized
“international events”, all those events there have been about transitions,
about how to take capitalism to Cuba, etcetera, paid for with NED’s money.
Another item about the use
of their money reads as follows: “Monetary Aid and Delivery” These are the
salaries for the United States’ hired hands in Cuba.
I am talking about the factions.
“Compiling information
annually”; this is for the denouncements and testimonies that are given every
year in Geneva. You know, there is even one of those Cuban hired-hands who
earns a living making lists and subtracts numbers and adds numbers. There are
two brothers, I believe, who make lists, and well, just imagine, there is
plenty of money for list making.
“Obtaining information about
what the groups in Cuba do”. In other words how are the hired hands behaving,
they have to be supervised.
“Sending emissaries to Cuba
who travel as tourists, to contact and supply the groups with money and in
kind”. In other words, they are giving them money and they are also giving them
things in kind, they have done both.
To pay for all of this,
between 1990 and 1998 ¾ I think it was
you, Randy, who said just now that we here never know exactly how much money is
involved, one thing is what is said in the items in the budget, but since there
are private donations and other money too, nothing is ever completely clear ¾ well, between 1990 and 1998 they spent over $6 million on all of this
Now, let’s look at some
specific years and projects so that you get an idea of what the U.S. taxpayers’
money is being used for.
In 1995, for example, they
gave some of those $6 million to the Free Trade Union Institute. This is an
institute for creating unions, I am not going to say any more, over the last
few days we have already explained what they want to set up, what kind of
union. It is not a question of forming a union but of giving money to anyone
who is trying to bring down the Cuban government, who opposes it, they might
put the name of a union or any old name they feel like.
Another one: Institute for
Democracy in Eastern Europe. And what does this item say? This is pretty weird.
“Sending pro-democracy activists from eastern and central Europe to Cuba” that
was approved in 1995 and then, as time went by, it began to materialize; we
have seen cases of Czechs, Poles, Latvians, etcetera, etcetera.
Other years I want to tell
you about are1997 and 1998.
For example, in those two
years $61,363 were given to the Institute for Cuban Studies, which among other
things, funded a five day seminar organized by that magazine “Encounter with Cuban Culture” on “A
Comparative Perspective on Cuba’s Past and Present”. This included, naturally,
a per diem for the participants. Everyone understands what I am talking about;
those $61,000 included per diems for those who were going to present papers at
that seminar.
That year they also gave
$55,000 to the Cuban Committee for Human Rights. That’s Bofill. Imagine giving
$55,000 of the U.S. government’s money to Bofill. Look at just how
irresponsible they can be with their own money, even if you look at it from the
point of view of wanting to bring down the Cuban government. Giving $55,000 to
Bofill, you have to be dumb!
Now, in 1999 they gave $182,
000 for trips to Cuba by emissaries and for money delivery. Where is that $182,
000? In the pockets of the factions’ Cuban hired hands. It’s in here, this is a
document from the National Endowment for Democracy (Holds it up) this is money
from the U.S. government.
In one single year they gave
$182,000 to the factions here, to line their pockets, because it doesn’t say in
here what it’s for specifically: “I’m giving you $10,000 to go out into the
streets to protest”, I’m giving you $5,000 to present this or that. No, there’s
nothing specific: they give them money and they spend it as they please.
I think it was Dr. Hevia,
was it you, Doctor? who explained here several times about the restaurants,
food and things it gets spent on. Was it? I remember having heard you give
details about that, I mention this because in one year alone that was $182,000
pocket money.
In one year alone they gave
$80,000 to the Encounter with Cuban
Culture magazine, so those who publish in the Encounter with Cuban Culture magazine must know that they received
money from the U.S. government.
And to top it off, they gave
Bofill another $65,000, they increased Bofill’s salary by $10,000. Really, it’s
insane to give $65,000 of the U.S. taxpayers’ money to Ricardo Bofill. But,
well, that’s the way it goes.
Finally I would like to
share four ideas with you.
First, all this activity
implies ignorance about the Cuban government and Cuban legislation. The U.S.
government just doesn’t get it that there is a government here, that there are
laws in this country. That’s the first idea.
Secondly, you can see that
it’s made evident here that the real objective of all of this is to overthrow a
government. Anything that smacks of opposition and of overthrowing a government
receives money.
Thirdly, what is needed is
someone who has the courage to tell a U.S. taxpayer, a citizen who pays tax on
his or her income, what that money is used for; to tell that person that the
money ends up in the hands of Bofill and of the hired hands in Cuba; someone
who tells them, “look, we are giving a part of your taxes to Ricardo Bofill
Pagés” and then see what that tax-paying farmer or mechanic says.
Lastly ¾and this, in my opinion, is an idea that should be given more thought ¾ we have all said and we all know that the money leaves Washington and
goes to Miami, to New York, to all those groups and most of it goes no further.
We have said that there are offices, fax machines, cars, telephones, salaries,
secretaries, events, etcetera; that most of the money goes no further. The
$182,000 is the smallest part of this money.
So I ask myself two
questions: Who can give me a guarantee that the money that went to the
Cuban-American National Foundation, most of which went no further, was not used
in one of the terrorist acts carried out by the Cuban-American National
Foundation? How can they guarantee that the money that was sent to Posada
Carriles, to Panama, to Alberto Hernández’ ¾presently Foundation president¾ office, is not
part of that money? Who guarantees that this money is not used for terrorist
activities? If you give money to these people you must know who you are giving
it to, how can you offer a guarantee to the U.S. people that you didn’t use
with their money to pay for terrorism?
(Short, appropriate clips
are screened)
Alonso. – An organization on the long list we made of organizations in Miami, New
York or Washington who receive money from USAID or from NED and from the other
organizations who use the U.S. government for funding both the counterrevolutionary
mob and the factions in Cuba, is the so-called Dissent Support Group. We have
mentioned it more than once; its headquarters are in the United States but it
is connected to the counterrevolutionary factions in our country.
Comrade Manuel Hevia is
going to give us some details about how much this organization receives and
about its top leader.
Hevia. – Good evening and many thanks, Randy.
I am going to refer briefly
to this organization which ¾ as has been
clearly said ¾ is one of the
twenty odd organizations that act as intermediaries and as cover for the U.S.’
gigantic subversive plan whose specific purpose is to provide financial support
for counterrevolutionary factions in Cuba.
I would like, when I refer
to this organization, to link it to another of these organizations ¾also a member of that big group to which you have referred; the
self-proclaimed Institute for Democracy in Cuba¾ and then to link these two organizations to a character who has a long
history, first as a terrorist and then in various subversive actions of another
sort: Francisco Hernández Trujillo.
Francisco Hernández
Trujillo, known as Frank Hernández Trujillo, has ties to and for some time now
has acted as the president of the so-called Dissent Support Group, as a
director of the Institute for Democracy in Cuba and is a typical terrorist
turned into a prosperous board member in the Miami business of
counterrevolution against Cuba.
Currently, Frank Hernández
Trujillo is putting all his efforts into these two organizations which maintain
an intense program of subversive activity against Cuba.
Hernández Trujillo was born
in Havana in 1942. In 1960 he emigrated to the United States after taking
refuge in a Latin American embassy; between October 1962 and April 1963 he was
already an active member of the U.S. army’s “Special Cuban Units” which were
being trained to invade Cuba. From there he moved over to the reserves after
being awarded the National Service medal although he never saw active service.
He is presently chairman of
the board of directors of the self-proclaimed Dissent Support Group a
Miami-based counterrevolutionary front organization, which carries out all
sorts of activities, and as we have said here, receives special funding from
the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The Dissent Support Group
was registered in Florida in March 1995 as a non-profit corporation set up to
provide logistical support to groups of “dissidents in Cuba”, i.e.
counterrevolutionary groups. It is a prime example of one of those inventions,
we have to call them something, trying or pretending to be a non-governmental
organization. The traditional intelligence services invented them as front
organizations to do subversive work, in this case against Cuba.
The Institute for Democracy
in Cuba (IDIC) is an umbrella group made up of 10 Miami counterrevolutionary
organizations which have received, as we have repeatedly said here, a million
dollars from USAID for a program of internal subversion against Cuba. In other
words, both the DSD (Dissident Support Group) and the Institute for Democracy
in Cuba are front organizations which are part of the mechanism involved in an
attempt to foster counterrevolution in Cuba; they are the two which receive the
most money. One of them, the institute for Democracy in Cuba gets $1 million in
funding and the Dissent Support Group gets $1,200, 000; they have been getting
this in several installments.
Frank Hernández Trujillo was
also a member of the so-called Cuban-American Military Council, was on its
board of directors as well as on that of another terrorist-type organization in
the United States, the Cuban-American Veterans Association
According to comments doing
the rounds in certain Miami counterrevolutionary circles close to Frank
Hernández Trujillo ¾and this is
something typical of many in the top leadership of these organizations¾ he worked for the CIA some years ago and that he is still linked to
that organization.
Furthermore, Frank Hernández
Trujillo keeps in close contact with the petty chieftains of
counterrevolutionary factions in Cuba; he sends emissaries to them with orders,
money, telephone equipment, fax machines, computers and all kinds of equipment
to promote and encourage subversive actions inside the country.
I should also like to give
more details about the so-called Institute for Democracy in Cuba. This
institute was set up in September 1996. It too is a non-profit organization and
is made up of a group of counterrevolutionary organizations. I am going to name
some of them so that you have an idea of its nature. For example, at the
beginning those founding and comprising it were the so-called Cuba Agenda,
Cuban Alliance, Cuban-American Veterans Association (CAVA), which I mentioned a
few moments ago, the Association of Cuban former-Political Prisoners and
Combatants and the Miami Medical Team Foundation which has also been mentioned
many times at these Round Tables and which, as we all know, has close, long
standing ties to the Cuban-American National Foundation.
This organization’s platform,
drawn up and submitted to USAID in 1996 is primarily directed at helping the
so-called “dissent movement in Cuba”; at promoting something called “ a
peaceful transition to capitalism”, “representative democracy” and the
establishment of a “free market economic system”. This type of program is only
what could be expected from the kind of organizations which are its members.
The program, of course, implies support and funding for counterrevolutionary
groups inside Cuba, providing information and support materials to the
“internal opposition” ¾translation,
creating propaganda to be smuggled clandestinely into our country for
distribution to those groups¾ creating a
network of opposition members throughout the length and breadth of our country,
in other words, to improve communications between the various groups; to give
material and financial aid to counterrevolutionary prisoners and to share
so-called experiences of the transition to a free market economic system in
formerly socialist countries.
At these Round Tables we
have looked at some of those emissaries sent to Cuba from various former
socialist countries. One component of their mission has been to speak about the
collapse of socialism in those countries.
This, Randy, is what I can
tell you, about these two organizations; they are obviously subversive and act
as front organizations in this gigantic plan for subversion against our
Alonso. – Yes, Hevia, that is the big lie involved in that so-called peaceful
change those people want. They are talking about funding via an organization
whose president is a well-known terrorist, who has been a member of terrorist
organizations and has provided money for terrorist actions against our country.
It’s as Taldrid was saying;
no one knows where the money goes, but what we do know for sure is that some of
this money has also been used to pay for the terrorist actions against our
country which this Round Table has been denouncing these last few days.
In addition to this
Dissident Support Group, another group we have often mentioned as being one
that swims in this flood of money for the Cuban counterrevolution is one called
the Center for a Free Cuba, an organization with a long counterrevolutionary
record; today it has explicit direct ties to the U.S. power structure.
Lázaro Barredo can tell us
about it.
Barredo. - I think that Frank Calzón who is the chairman of this Center for a Free
Cuba must be feeling really frustrated. Frank Calzón who was recruited by the
CIA when he was still at university at the end of the 60s; Frank Calzón who
joined Alpha-66 and Abdala, two notorious terrorist organizations
¾ and we are not the only
ones who call them that, FBI officers do too. Nevertheless, Calzón has made his
life the most telling example of how to make one’s living from the Anti-Cuban
industry, always at Cuba’s expense, from the policy of subverting order in
Cuba, of popularizing the fabrication of a counterrevolutionary opposition and
he in fact has always made his living in that way.
At the end of the 70s he was
involved with some characters like Humberto Medrano,¾ we said a lot about him when we were talking about Radio Martí and
about all the trouble there was when Radio Martí started up. We also spoke
about a woman called Elena Mederos y Siro del Castillo, people who made their
living from the famous human rights [campaign] at the beginning of the 70s,
keeping up a systematic smear campaign.
Many of these organizations
received money from that. Later he was on a committee of intellectuals for the
freedom of Cuba to go up against a youth movement that had been formed in Areíto magazine ¾Muñoz Varela came out of that movement and a group of young people who
were here at the end of the 70s. Then he joined the Foundation, he and
terrorists Jorge Mas Canosa and Francisco “Pepe” Hernández founded the
Cuban-American National Foundation. He was the first executive director of the
Foundation; he and Mas Canosa were rivals for the leadership.
Mas Canosa made an
arrangement with the thug, Esteban Ventura Novo and in that struggle for the
leadership Mas Canosa one day made an innovative change to Calzón’s last name,
turning it into a typically Cuban word ¾all Cubans will know what it was¾ and managed to throw Calzón out of the Foundation. Nevertheless Calzón
immediately found work in a big press campaign directed against the
Revolutionary Armed Forces and against Comrade Fidel, and immediately joined
Freedom House. He was at Freedom House, in the Cuba Program. Clinton went there
and gave a great deal of support to this group of which Frank Calzón was part.
Then finally, once again involved in a leadership struggle, he left Freedom
House and with the support of the U.S. extreme right then founded the Center
for a Free Cuba. The goal was the same, to receive funding from USAID and from
NED and to start to live off that; promoting human rights, promoting internal
counterrevolution, promoting movements in the international community, as we
have mentioned here, the Czechs, the Poles, all those problems. He gathers some
notorious characters round him: Otto Reich, who could not turn up, he has a lot
of ties to Frank Calzón; Mrs. Kirkpatrick, the ambassador who is one of the
figureheads of the U.S. extreme right.
Alonso. – Otto Reich was on the board of directors of this organization and, as
the new Undersecretary of State for Latin America is still on excellent terms
with Calzón.
Barredo. – Excellent terms…others in his circles are Susan Kauffman a top board
member along with Modesto Maidique and some other characters, Néstor Carbonell,
Carlos Saladrigas, Filberto Agusti, we have discussed all of them here, given
their pedigrees. In the Research Council there are also Cubalogists,
intellectuals and various people with connections to anti-Cuban activities. For
example, there’s Malcolm Falcoff, who is the extreme right personified, as is
Susan Kauffman Porcel, from the American Enterprise Institute. You also have
Edward González of the Rand Corporation. Then another one who was bound to turn
up, James Suslicki from the University of Miami, Mas Canosa and the
Cuban-American National Foundation’s coordinator of academic activities. In
other words, all these characters immediately gathered round Frank Calzón, and
not for nothing, he has received $2,249,709 exactly, according to USAID’s
accounting ¾ Americans are
very precise about such things¾ just via USAID,
for all of those projects we have been talking about.
A sorry lot has fallen to
him, which is why I said he must be feeling really frustrated, because all his
plans always come to nothing and the sorry lot left to him is that of political
sergeant because now he has to send money to be distributed, $50 per capita to
all of the hired hands he has here in Cuba. The money NED gives him for a year
he afterwards distributes among all the scoundrels he has here doing various
He has brought a famous
character back on the scene. He’s now in Puerto Rico. Calzón is giving Carlos
Franqui money ¾we should look at
how these guys were connected in the 60s shouldn’t we?¾ to pay for an anti-Cuban magazine he (Franqui) is publishing in Puerto
Rico. He is one of the people who have done research, promoting, for example
ideas of how to step up radio Martí’s broadcasts, how to provide support for
Cubans living abroad so they can become the nucleus of the subversive projects
developed by the Center for a Free Cuba.
In the end, Randy, it is the
same old story, living off at the expense of the subversion against Cuba.
Alonso. - Thanks, Lázaro for your comments.
Another of the organizations
which has benefited from these multimillion dollar sums the U.S. government has
allocated for subversion against the Cuban people, including the Czech
adventures and other adventures our people know about, is something called
Freedom House. I’m going to ask Rogelio Polanco to tell us about that.
Polanco. - Freedom House has been linked to the incidents with some east European
mercenaries as you mentioned, Randy. It is a non-governmental organization, was
founded in Washington in 1941 and its aim from its inception, according to its
mission statement, is to strengthen free institutions in the United States and
other countries. Well, we know the concept of freedom that organizations like
this have, especially when in 1995 it decided to design a program for a free
Cuba ¾ that is the free Cuba
sponsored by the U.S. government. The main goal was to cultivate what they call
democratic civil society in Cuba, the translation of that, as we Cubans well
know, is “overthrow the Cuban Revolution”.
Another of this program’s
objectives’ is to get the international community interested in supporting a
peaceful solution in Cuba. This qualification always turns up in the goals of
many of these U.S. organizations.
Frank Calzón ¾ Lázaro was talking about him¾ was the man
appointed to head this program, he held that position until 1997 when he left
that organization. He made himself responsible for sending some of those
characters whose specific mission was to accomplish what we have been talking
about ¾ USAID giving money to these
institutions¾ that is,
delivering the equipment and money personally to the counterrevolutionaries in
our country.
To remind us, Randy, I have
some examples here of the times when Freedom House and especially Frank Calzón
were involved in such instances in his subversion program and examples of
direct funding for counterrevolutionaries in Cuba with the U.S. government’s
In July 1995 U.S. citizens
Adam Rosch Davison and George Erwin Sledge came to Cuba sent by Frank Calzón.
They had instructions to contact the petty chieftains of the
counterrevolutionary factions in Cuba and to give them medicines, food and
money. I’ll get to how much and to whom in a minute.
In January 1996, on Frank
Calzón’s suggestion, John Sweeney, from the Heritage Foundation, traveled to
Cuba as a “tourist” to deliver a list of dollars with names and surnames.
Naturally, it had to be signed afterwards because it was the proof that they
received the money; the list has the names of some of these characters.
In April 1996, Joszed Szaer
came to Cuba on a similar mission. He is a Hungarian dissident ¾ they called him to come¾ and head of the
parliamentary group FIDES. He delivered money, tape recorders and computer
diskettes sent by Frank Calzón to the petty chieftains of the factions. And
this is where the eastern European connection begins. Since it became obvious
that Americans didn’t want to be associated with delivering money personally,
well, they looked for an eastern European connection. It is a bit like what
they did later on in the Commission on Human Rights, seeking out the Czechs to
submit the made-in-U.S.A. product against Cuba. They did the same thing here,
they sought out renegade representatives from eastern Europe to come to Cuba
and play the role of mercenaries.
In April 28,1997 the
commercial attaché at the Czech embassy in Havana, Petr Pribik, delivered money
and supplies sent from the United States by Frank Calzón to several
counterrevolutionaries. They were by then already looking for a direct representative
in those diplomatic missions who would be available for these acts of
In August 1997 David Norman
Dom, a U.S. union activist was arrested in Cuba. Traveling as a “tourist”, he
had delivered money to the counterrevolutionary petty chieftains on behalf of
Freedom House.
In June 2000 a Rumanian,
Cornel Ivanciuc ¾ now the
Rumanians are involved too, as we will remember¾ and a Pole, Anna Krystyna came to Cuba after having met in Washington
with Freedom House, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and
the State Department. The purpose of these meetings was to analyze aid to the
so-called “independent libraries in Cuba” which are far from being either
libraries or independent.
While they were in the
United States, Frank Calzón instructed them to go to Cuba as emissaries
carrying material aid for a group of counterrevolutionaries there. This mission
was organized and financed by Freedom House. And this is where the orders that
these must be covert actions come in. In other words, this is when everything
turns totally illegal, into intelligence operations to try to flout Cuban
authorities. This naturally makes them into completely subversive emissaries
against our country, something that would not be allowed in any country in the
In August 2000 Douglas
Schimmel, an American tourist visited Cuba. A list verifying the amount of
money given to the petty chieftains was found on him. He admitted that he had
met with Frank Calzón on July 24, 2000 and that the latter had given him a list
of counterrevolutionaries to whom money was to be delivered.
More recently, in the
November 2000 case ¾one of the ones
Taladrid spoke of¾ this was the
case of the Latvians, Anda Celma and Bladis Abols, who had received money and
instructions from Frank Calzón and Roberto Pontichera, program director at
Freedom House, to visit Cuba to find out what was going on with the so-called
He gave them a list of
people to contact and suggested they should give a lecture on the transition
process in Latvia. And this is where trying to apply to Cuba what was done in
eastern Europe comes in. But in Cuba’s case it has turned out very badly for
In January 2001, the famous
visit of Czech “tourists” Ivan Pilip and Jan Bubenik, takes place ¾a lot of information was given about it at the time and our people
learned all about it. When they were arrested these two said they had been
given instructions and were paid by Freedom House, with Robert Pontichera as
These are just some of the
times when this organization, which receives money from the U.S. government for
subversion against Cuba was caught red handed in its subversive acts in Cuba.
The proof is there, the names of those they were coming to give money to are
there, the time and the supplies they were coming to give them and the foreign
nationals whom they used for these subversive acts in Cuba are there. This
effectively shows yet again that these institutions use U.S. taxpayers’ money
for subversion in our country.
Alonso. – Yes, Polanco, and it is not only in the United States, this funding,
this search for ways to generate subversive activity against our country has
spread to other countries, mostly in Latin America.
In Spain, even, a few days
ago, on May 23, after President Bush’s speech, the Mexican newspaper La Jornada published an article by
journalist James Cason and David Brooks, their U.S. correspondents. The
headline read “Mexico, the base of a U.S. anti-Castro group” and the subheading
read ”It is funded by the White House and is part of a group or an official
program to undermine the Cuban government”.
One of the things this
article by the two La Jornada correspondents
says is that: “Following President George Bush’s announcement this week about
increasing what he defined as direct aid to the Cuban people via
non-governmental organizations, these anti-Cuban groups’ activities in Mexico,
according to U.S. functionaries, must be going to receive more money.
“ Although no functionary
was prepared to give details of the new anti-Castro efforts, in Mexico in
particular, White House officials this week said that their government hopes to
be able to increase funding for opposition groups, in Cuba, in the United
States and in countries like Mexico and Spain.
“ It is possible to learn
how these initiatives work by reviewing the activities that the United States
has funded in other countries through NGOs and in civil society-based
Between 1996 and 2000, the
U.S. government gave grants of $6,419,275 to 15 NGOs and three universities
which support dissidents in Cuba.
Last year Washington gave
another $5 million for these activities and is proposing to spend the same
amount this year.
“An evaluation of the
program by the accounting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers reports that in 2001 a
large part of this money remained in the United States, most of it with Miami
based groups who make vague efforts to support anti-Castro activities.”
A bit further on the article
“Gillian Gunn Klitsow, a
professor at Trinity College, Washington and expert in relations with Cuba
thinks that these program have more to do with U.S. politics that with change
in Cuba. However, these criticisms have done nothing to dissuade Bush who said
last Monday: “My administration will relax the restrictions on humanitarian
assistance provided by U.S. religious and other non-governmental organizations
which directly serve the needs of the Cuban people and which help to build
Cuban civil society, and the United States will give these groups direct aid
which they can use for humanitarian and business activities”.
“Before announcing his Cuba
policy this week” ¾La Jornada said¾ Bush had spoken on the phone with Presidents Vincente Fox, Ricardo
Lagos of Chile and Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil to give them advance
news of what he was going to say and in his speech he asked other countries in
the hemisphere to use their influence with the Cuban government to persuade it
to allow free and impartial elections for the National Assembly and to promote
real, significant and verifiable reforms.”
Last week the New York Times reported that the Bush
administration intends to ask other countries in Europe and America, Mexico and
Spain in particular, to help generate support for the critics of Castro’s
government; but apparently”, La Jornada
said, “Bush’s administration is not only seeking to promote this line with
other governments.
“According to
PriceWaterhouse’s review of the 2001 Aid Program to NGOs, U.S. government funds
have also been channeled into supporting a network of solidarity committees set
up in several Latin American countries and coordinated by a Miami-based
organization called Directorio Revolucionario Democratico Cubano (Cuban
Democratic Revolutionary Directorate).
“According to federal
Treasury Department documents, this organization received 89% of its budget
from the U.S. federal government.
“When La Jornada contacted the Directorate’s offices in Miami to ask for
information about its activities in Mexico, one of its representatives
confirmed that they had worked with Mexican groups and groups in other Latin
American countries. However, they declined to give names of those in charge or
information on how to contact them.
“Nevertheless, La Jornada has learned from their tax
returns that the Directorate has set up offices for their solidarity committees
in Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Argentina.
“According to U.S. federal
government tax form 990, which NGOs must submit to federal tax authorities, the
Directorate spent $46,000 in 1999 and another $65,000 in 2000 on expenses for
the Mexican office. However, PriceWaterhouse’s report offers more details on
these activities and describes how the Directorate worked with the so-called
Committee for Solidarity in Mexico and other groups shortly before the 1999 Ibero-American
Summit in Havana to organize anti-Castro activities.
In another part of the
article it reads, “Other activities in Mexico organized with the help of U.S.
funds through the Directorate in Miami include a meeting outside the Cuban
embassy in Mexico City on May 23, 1999.”
These are some of the
revelations the Mexican paper La Jornada has
published recently which show the methods used to channel U.S. government’s
so-called financial support to counterrevolutionary factions and to the
anti-Cuban mob in our country.
There was an interesting
note in the last few days amongst all the handing out of money going on these
days in the United States with this call President Bush made in Miami for an
increase in the funding to counterrevolutionary factions and to the anti-Cuban
mob. Mr. Joe Carollo has added his voice to the demands for money, to the money
orgy going on in Miami. He is claiming that his golden handshake from his job
as mayor of Miami, Florida, that his retirement pay ¾ as we might say¾ is not enough,
and that if money is being handed out, then please give him a bit more too.
This is the way this TV
report puts it.
– And the amount of former
mayor of Miami, Joe Carollo’s pension has not been well received either.
Carollo will get a $112,000 per year pension for the rest of his life,
considerably more than his salary as mayor, which was $97,000.
community leaders are wondering why this pension is higher than the one set by
a review committee before Carollo’s term was up, but, according to the Miami Herald, Carollo thinks that he deserves a fat
pension because, according to him, he saved the city of Miami.
Alonso. – Well, we already know what salvation he is talking about. And it’s true
that Carollo’s troubles haven’t ended, because he’s tied up in the Miami courts
in divorce proceedings with his wife, after the alleged blow on the head with
the teapot.
Well, it seems he is asking
for an increase [to pay for] this court case.
Over and above the anecdote,
the view of how the Miami mob lives and how money provides the leitmotiv of all
its activities, there is a very important aspect to all this funding and
support for the counterrevolutionary factions in our country. We not only have
the activities of counterrevolutionary mob in Miami, we not only have these
organizations in Washington and New York channeling funds to the U.S.’ hired
hands in our country, we also have the role ¾ the very important role¾ played by the
U.S. Interests Section in our country.
I suggest Reinaldo Taladrid
tells us about this.
Taladrid. – The last time I spoke about the USIS here I mentioned that as a
diplomatic mission they are guilty of seven mortal sins. But the dialectic is
very strong and working on this today, the list of sins has increased to 9
apart from those other 7. And, well, I would like to share them with you.
For example, the U.S.
Interests Sections in Cuba, a diplomatic mission:
1. Funds illegal groups whose aim is to bring down the
legally constituted Cuban government.
Firstly, a diplomatic
mission cannot give money to any local group in any country and far less to an
illegal group, a group, moreover, that openly or covertly sets itself the goal
of bringing down the legitimate government.
If there are still any
doubts about this, whether the Interest Section does or does not give money, I
am going to ask you to replay the video of a ceremony which took place in the
University of Miami a short while ago, in February of this year. (The video is
screened.) At this ceremony the U.S. government’s money is being given to
something which is called “Cuban Transition Project” ¾ we have already explained that they are giving more than one million
and forty five thousand dollars to the University of Miami¾ in other words, how the Cuban government is going to change, how to
overthrow the Cuban government. So, those attending were, look, “the big bad
she-wolf” Ileana Ros, smiling; next to her Adolfo Franco who was one of her
hired hands but is now the person at USAID in charge of handing out money for
all of Latin America. Then, look, just behind Franco is none other than the
head of the U.S. Interests Section, Mrs. Vicky Huddleston, there at that
ceremony. At the ceremony she said that she guaranteed that this money would
get to those it was intended for, down to the very last cent.
If the Interests Section is
not involved in handing our money to illegal groups in Cuba why did she say at
that ceremony that she guaranteed that this money would get to those it was
intended for, down to the very last cent? One or other of these statements is
untrue, but what is clear is that the Interests Section is involved in this.
2. The U.S. Interests Section in Cuba gives material
supplies, not just money, to these illegal groups whose aim is to overthrow the
Cuban government. They give them all kinds of propaganda, all kinds of books
and they also give them the tools to do all that work. Well, if you have hired
hands, you have to give them the tools to do their job because if you don’t
what will the hired hand do, where will they write, what will they do? In other
words, they provide their hired hands with tools and with propaganda.
3. They ask their local hired hands for a great deal of
information that has nothing to do, not even remotely, with the excuses they use
for all of this; that if democracy, if the struggles, that if policy etcetera,
economic information and suchlike, that has nothing to do with that. What is
that called in good Cuban?
I leave it to you.
4. In that Interests Section office and that U.S. Interests
Section building there is an enormous amount of technical equipment which has
nothing to do with the diplomatic work of a diplomatic mission; technical
equipment to listen in, to record, etcetera. As far as I know, that is not used
in the work of improving relations between the two countries or for doing
diplomatic work or the things a diplomatic mission is meant for. What I will
tell you, what I always say, don’t even think of phoning on a cell phone in
this country because they are listening in and recording all the time.
5. To give you an idea: between 1998 and 2000, 540 [U.S.]
functionaries visited Cuba as temporary functionaries. 30% of those U.S.
functionaries who visited Cuba, the Interests Section here, were identified as
officers of U.S. special services, who came to… look at Cuban nature? What did
so many special services officers come here to do? It’s a good question for the
Interests Section to answer.
6. The U.S. Interests Section has used and abused the visits
that Cuba, as a unilateral gesture of good will, because it is not stipulated
in the agreement, has allowed them to make to the places to which people are
returned under the provisions of the immigration agreements.
Since they go to those
places and are now bored with verifying that there are no reprisals and that
nothing happens, they have started to use these visits for two things. The
first is to study and recruit new hired hands; they have begun to look for
where there might be a breeding ground for new hired hands. The second is to
continue looking for information which has nothing to do with going there to
verify if there were or weren’t reprisals ¾ and there haven’t been¾ against the
citizens who are returned under the provisions of the immigration agreements.
7. They have made a permanent job ¾ this is Pi, a constant¾ of torpedoing as
many as possible of the good will visits that U.S. citizens make or try to make
to Cuba. This includes preventing or trying to prevent a ship carrying students
from coming here. There’s no way they want it to come, but when it does arrive
and they can’t stop it from coming, then they do everything possible to prevent
them meeting Cubans and even more to prevent a meeting with Comrade Fidel.
That’s their great fear, it’s as if Fidel were a snake charmer. But it’s simply
that he tells the truth and they are afraid of the truth because he doesn’t
tell them anything but the truth and they have done unspeakable things around
8. They
not only try to stop meetings and to block visits; if Americans comes to Cuba
for their own completely legitimate purposes, even if they come in a legal
capacity, with authorization, then they call them and oblige them, force them
to meet with them, there in the Interests Section. They give them their view of
Cuba, they give them material that is called Cuba Update, although the visitors
have not asked for it.
For example, a group of orthopedic
surgeons came to a congress on orthopedics and they immediately went to look
for them, they took them to the Interests Section, they began to talk to them
about things. The doctors, the orthopedic surgeons, who had come to talk about
orthopedics pretty soon got mad because they asked what was going on and said
that they were even going to complain about their behavior as diplomats in that
office, as Americans. They force this on them.
But they impose these meeting not
only on doctors. They employ another variant when U.S. politicians or
politicians from other countries come. They use their local hired hands and
they force them to have meetings with these visitors. This is not even very
ethical because if a senator comes or a politician you can’t arrange a meeting
with one of your hired hands, because you know what views the hired hand is
offering. This is self-poisoning; this U.S. politician who came to learn about
the situation in Cuba arranging a meeting with a hired hand, with someone I am
paying, I know what that person will say this is self-polluted information.
9. The
last one is new, Randy. Now the U.S. Interests Section is waging local
political campaigns in the United States. That is indeed new and if you can
replay the video for me, ah there it is (The video is screened). What is the
head of diplomatic mission doing at a local event in Miami, before May 20,
before the Florida gubernatorial elections, an event, quite simply, to
celebrate giving U.S. government money to institutions in Miami? What is she
doing there? She is doing local politics, she is campaigning for the
re-election of Jeb Bush, she is working for his local political campaign. This
is really something new they have brought in.
To end, the best definition, [of
what they do] is a little honest Freudian slip. It came, I think, in an
interview with the foreign press given by a group of functionaries from the U.S.
Interests Section and I am going to quote. They said, ”The support we give them
¾ the are referring to their
local hired hands, the factions¾ “ is only moral
support and sometimes we give them snacks although we also give them aspirins
and pens”, It will be History’s responsibility to see what those words mean.
Alonso. – Thanks, Taladarid.
The final destination of this long
chain, whose links are the many who swim in the money from the U.S. budget, is
the counterrevolutionary factions in our country, the hired hands of the U.S.
Interests Section and of the U.S. government. Here are Manuel Hevia’s comments
on the funding and support that these factions receive.
Hevia. – Thanks, Randy.
In today’s Round Table we
have given a very clear explanation of the subversive structure of this
gigantic operation for funding the counterrevolution in Cuba. It is important
now to evaluate exactly how this process works in our country.
In the first place, given
the nature of the mercenaries in the counterrevolutionary factions on the U.S.
payroll, the U.S. government has found itself obliged, from the word go, to
provide them with funding and material supplies. It has not only supplied them,
but also, as has been stated here quite clearly¾ the whole structure of subversion which supports this funding work.
So, the centers mentioned
here act as the intermediaries with these groups. They provide them with
financial, material and logistical supplies; they publicize all sort of events
on Cuba in various countries; they pay for magazines and for publishing
anti-Cuban propaganda; they also pay for the trips when the emissaries come to
our country to do liaison and supply work with these groups and to guarantee
the work of the self-proclaimed independent journalists. These, as we all know,
are the ones who supply most of the slander and false information to the
misnamed Radio Martí. They also supply other libel and are behind many illegal
But that is not all, these
centers also make their living from the business of counterrevolution and at
the expense of these grants. There are quite a few accusations of
misappropriation of these funds ¾ Taldrid told us
about them¾ accusations of
embezzlement of these funds, about the high salaries of the managerial staff
and there are even internal complaints from petty chieftains when they
sometimes don’t get the money hey have been promised.
These centers not only send
cash to the factions they also send other equipment to make their work easier.
They send computers, printers, office equipment, literature and propaganda to
be sent to the media.
They use the widest variety
of methods to send these supplies. These range from fake tourists ¾ also discussed here¾ who come as
emissaries trying to cover up their real mission, to the actual diplomatic bag
of the country aiding and abetting these actions that uses this route to bring
in propaganda materials afterwards supplied to these groups.
I should like to provide
some details about what they do, for even if they do use legal channels to
bring in money and other supplies, what they do constitutes an illegal
At the January 24, 2001
Round Table, just a year and four months ago, we said that, according to
studies that have been done, it was estimated that between 1993 and 1999 there
were more than 325 material and financial supply operations to these factions.
We also estimated the amount involved as being several hundred thousand
dollars. There were also vast amounts of material goods sent from abroad to
these petty chieftains.
Now, it is estimated that
between the year 2000 and the present there have been almost as many supply
operations, using various channels, as there were between 1993 and 1999. In
2001 alone they were 200 supply operations of this kind. In 2001 alone, that is
last year alone, the cash delivered to the petty chieftains of these
counterrevolutionary factions is estimated to be over $100,000.
Alonso. – That is the cash.
Hevia. – I should like to clarify an important point, Randy, The funding brought
into Cuba, both in cash and in kind, is invariably delivered here to those
petty chieftains, to the ones the Miami mob considers to be the most useful for
and most committed to their plans. The amount supplied will of course, depend,
to a large extent, on this last point; once it is in the hands of the most
important chieftains, it is shared out, at best, as suits them.
The money supplied by U.S.
taxpayers after delivery is usually spent in dollar shops on articles for their
personal use, perfumes, alcohol, meals in restaurants and “paladars” [private
family restaurants that have a 12 seat limit] and on taxis, as has been
explained in other Round Tables.
I am going to provide some
examples that give the amounts supplied by these Miami mob front organizations.
For example, the
self-proclaimed counterrevolutionary journalists, Victor Rolando Arroyo
Carmona, Luis Alberto Rivera Leyva, Oscar Espinosa Chepé, Rafael Ferro Salas,
and Eduardo Pérez Arrufa received $12,600 and many other supplies just last
year. In that same year, another three chieftains also received about $12,000.
This gives us an idea of the amount of money which is flowing directly to many
of these people.
In 2001 alone,
counterrevolutionaries Rafael Avila Pérez , Carmelo, Díaz Fernández, Lázaro
González Gómez and Gladys González Noy also received a total of $4,500.
In August 2000 the petty
chieftain, Pedro Alvarez Ramos received $6,000 from an international union
organization with ties to the Miami mob. In April of the following year the
same man received another $1,000.
In 2001 and 2002 chieftains
Raúl Rivero and Elizardo Sánchez Santacruz received thousands of dollars from
abroad through different channels and for different ”purposes”. To this must be
added computer equipment, office supplies, food and all kinds of propaganda.
Alonso. – There have been prizes created, too, as a way of giving money to these
two guys.
Hevia. - Exactly, Randy.
I should like to give some
specific details about these two cases. For example:
June 2000. An emissary
coming from abroad delivered approximately $5,000 to Elizardo Sánchez.
April 12, 2002 ¾ just a few weeks ago¾ Frank Hernández
Trujillo, whom we were talking about only a few moments ago, had 60 pounds of
medicines, ball point pens and other food delivered to chieftain Elizardo
Now for Raúl Rivero. April
2000. Reporters without Borders, another subversive organization, which is
well-known and has been involved in all this subversive activity against Cuba
for some years now, delivers an undetermined sum of money to this chieftain; it
is to be shared between a group of counterrevolutionary prisoners.
November 2001: Raúl Rivero
receives several hundred dollars from another Miami organization.
May 2001: Raúl Rivero
receives several hundred dollars and some things for his own use from one of
those Miami organizations.
January 2001: Raúl Rivero
receives a personal computer and a lot of literature.
May 2002: Raúl Rivero
receives medicines and various kinds of foodstuffs from none other than Frank
Hernández Trujillo.
Between 2001 and the
present, chieftain Marta Beatriz Roque has received some $10,000 which has
allowed her to buy all sorts of equipment including computers, means of
communication, access to the Internet and other personal objects.
The subversive organization,
Reporters without Borders this year gave more than $2,500 to members of
factions of self-proclaimed “independent journalists’ and that’s not counting a
large amount of office supplies, literature and propaganda.
Between 2000 and 2001 the
Miami-based organization, New Cuban Press, another recipient of some official
U.S. government funds, has given $40,000 to counterrevolutionary press groups.
Guillermo Gortázar of the
Hispano-Cuban Foundation, another organization with close ties to the Miami mob
also gave $4,200 to another two factions leaders in April last year.
In the last two years, the
aforementioned Frank Hernández Trujillo, boss of the Institute for Democracy in
Cuba and of the so-called Dissident Support Group, has organized at least 53
supply runs to factions in Cuba using emissaries and other channels. These have
brought mostly food and cash.
This chieftain ¾ and I think this is something interesting we should look at¾ went to Washington at the beginning of April this year and met with
high ranking State Department Officials in order to report on and to try to
solicit more funding for his activities.
Other groups of a decidedly
terrorist nature have also been involved in sending money from the United
States to these factions. So far this year they too have had several thousand
dollars in cash delivered. I shall give you a few examples.
Last January the terrorist
José Basulto, of Brothers to the Rescue gave $600 to two factions petty
In February last year,
Alpha-66 had $1,200 delivered to petty chieftain Elizardo San Pedro Marín, who
is in jail in Cuba for carrying out terrorist actions for Alpha-66.
The terrorist organization,
30 democracy Noviembre, gave another $600 this February to chieftains Marcos
Lázaro Torres Léon and Mercedes Figueroa. In April this year it gave another
$400 to the first named chieftain.
We have, Randy, dozens more
examples which would make this list interminable but which would, there is no
doubt, show how much money and other supplies are sent to these mercenaries by
these front organizations of the Miami mob and the empire.
Alonso. – Organizations, Hevia, which are also expecting a deluge of money to
rain down after Mr. Bush’s promises. Some of them have come out with statements
saying: “Please, Mr. President, don’t tell them we are your hired hands, don’t
say you are sending us money, don’t make us look like your hired hands any
more”. Now that everybody knows it is so, there’s no need to say it. However
there are others who have come out and said, “No, no, no, there is no need to
hide anything here, we want you to keep sending us money”.
We were talking about the
Cuba Free Press, that organization which receives some of this funding and
which distributes counterrevolutionary information over the Internet. Well, on
May 24, 2002, four days after Mr. Bush spoke, it posted a news item on one of
its web sites which says: “Opposition members demand the United States give
them direct aid”
This news item reads: “Our 6th
of January Civic Movement said that yes we are in favor of U.S. government aid
being sent directly to the internal opposition groups, said Bárbaro Antonio
Vela Grego, the movement’s president.
“Vela Grego said: “We don’t
allow anyone to speak on behalf of the rightwing groups. We support’, Vela
Grego added, ‘all the embargo’s measures and we say a loud yes to the aid
offered to us by the U.S. government’.”
Anyway, the credo of those
counterrevolutionaries, of those counterrevolutionary factions is very easy:
strangle the Cuban people and send us as much money as you can. Those are the
politics, the credo of the U.S.’ hired hands in Cuba.
I think that is enough
information to show the direct connection between the money promised by Mr.
Bush, the Miami counterrevolutionary mob and the factions which, acting as a
fifth column, work for them in our country.
I thank the panelists who
have been with me this evening, and our studio guests.
Fellow Cubans:
One of the main aspects of the aggressive policy against Cuba
re-stated by U.S. President George W. Bush
during his mob orgy in Miami on May 20 is an increase in the already massive
financial aid to the terrorist anti-Cuban Miami mob and to the
counterrevolutionary factions which act as a fifth column in our country for
their subversive activity against the Cuban Revolution.
Although 2 million Americans lost
their jobs last year because of cutbacks in their companies, although more than
12,000 New Yorkers wander homeless through the Big Apple, although more than
126,000 nursing positions remain unfilled in U.S. hospitals because wages are
too low and staffing has been frozen, the U.S. government, brazenly and
contemptuous of its own people, allocates tens of millions of taxpayers’
dollars to finance the overthrow ¾by any means
possible¾ of another
country’s legitimate and popular government.
Those chasing the deluge of
money promised by Bush are the Miami terrorists who have made a business of
terror and profit out of the counterrevolution; the U.S. hired hands in Cuba
who try to use their master’s money to live by their wits, as they themselves
admit, while they try to carry out the orders of the paymaster.
But Yankee investment is
less and less profitable, for while they keep adding zeros to the sums of money
they give, the results of their subversive plans against the Cuban nation fail
more and more spectacularly.
Meanwhile, from this side of
this story, the people of this island, who don’t have vast resources, are
improving a thousandfold their education their culture, their awareness and
their honor, the undefeatable weapons for winning this battle.
Marti already told us; some
have sold out and many are for sale, but a cry of honor can push back those,
who with their herd mentality or their appetite for lentils, break ranks as
soon as they hear the whip that calls to them, or when they see the table set”
We are still at battle
A very good night to you