by Comrade Fidel
The final declaration from the G-20 Summit in
meet in the midst of a critical transition from crisis to recovery to turn the
page on an era of irresponsibility and to adopt a set of policies, regulations
and reforms to meet the needs of the 21st century global economy.
pledge today to sustain our strong policy response until a durable recovery is
pledge to adopt the policies needed to lay the foundation for strong, sustained
and balanced growth in the 21st century.”
want growth without cycles of boom and bust and markets that foster
responsibility […].”
“…we [will] act together to generate strong,
sustainable and balanced global growth. We need a durable recovery that
creates the good jobs our people need.”
need to […] establish a pattern of growth across countries that is more
sustainable and balanced, and reduce development imbalances.”
pledge to avoid destabilizing booms and busts in asset and credit prices[…]”
will also make decisive progress on structural reforms that foster private
demand and strengthen long-run growth potential.”
reckless behavior and a lack of responsibility led to crisis, we will not allow
a return to banking as usual.”
committed to act together […] [to end] practices that lead to excessive
designated the G-20 to be the premier forum for our international economic
are committed to a shift in International Monetary Fund (IMF) quota share to
dynamic emerging markets and developing countries of at least 5% ...”
“…sustainable economic development [is essential] in order to … reduce poverty.”
The G-20 is made up of the seven wealthiest and most industrialized
countries: the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and
Japan, plus Russia; the 11 principal emerging countries: China, India, South Korea,
Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico
and the European Union; with several of
these we have excellent economic and political relations. For the last three Summits,
The idea of capitalist development without crisis is the great dream
that the
Almost all the Third World countries which are not US allies are
observing how the United States prints paper money that circulates throughout
the planet like convertible currency with no gold backing, buying shares and
companies, natural resources, real estate and chattel, and public debt bonds,
protecting their products, stripping nations of their best brainpower and
granting extra-territoriality for their laws.
This gets added to the overwhelming power of its weaponry and the
monopoly on the basic mass media.
Consumer societies are incompatible with saving the natural and energy
resources that development and the preservation of our species require.
In a brief historical period and thanks to the Revolution,
Departing from the fact that in recent years the temperature of the
planet has gone up 0.8 degrees Celsius, the same day the Pittsburgh Summit
concluded, the principal American news agency printed that the temperature
would go up “almost three degrees Celsius between this year and the end of the
century, even if every country were to reduce their emissions of greenhouse
effect gases as they propose, according to a United Nations report.”
“A group of scientists reviewed the plans for emissions from 192
countries and calculated what might happen with global warming. Projections take into account 80% of the
cutbacks on pollutants in the
“Carbon dioxide, derived mainly from the use of fossil fuels such as coal
and oil, is the principal cause of global warming which traps solar energy in
the atmosphere (…) the world temperature has already increased by 0.8 degrees
C.”, it reiterates.
“A large part of the increase is due to developing nations which have
not undertaken great measures to reduce their gas emissions, scientists pointed
out at a press conference on Thursday.”
“‘We are headed for a very
serious series of changes on our planet’, said Achim Steiner, director of
UNEPA, the United Nations Environment Programme.”
And Robert Corell, an important American specialist on climate, stressed
“…it would be the same for an increase of 2.7 degrees C. in world temperature
by the end of the century, said Corell.
European leaders and President Barack Obama of the
What they haven’t explained is how they are going to reach that goal,
nor the GDP contribution to invest in the poor countries and to compensate for
the damages caused by the volume of polluting gases that the most industrialized
countries have launched into the atmosphere.
World public opinion ought to
acquire a solid education on climate change.
Even if there was not the slightest error in the calculations, humanity will
be marching on the edge of the abyss.
When Obama was meeting in
Come what may, the peoples will become ever more aware of their rights
and duties!
What a great battle will be waged in Copenhagen!
Fidel Castro Ruz